Aged Care Online
Ryman Healthcare

Ryman Healthcare

Level 5, 6 Riverside Quay, Southbank, Victoria, 3006

Our retirement villages offer a range or care options - not as an add-on, but woven into the fabric of our villages. 

Once you live in a Ryman retirement village, you will always have priority access to our aged care options over non-residents. Should an immediate space be unavailable, we will do our best to accommodate you at another Ryman village until a space becomes available at your preferred village. 

The levels of aged care we provide:

  • Low care
  • High care
  • Specialist dementia care
  • Respite care

Your care is customised according to your needs and preferences. This is made easy via our award-winning myRyman Care app, which enables nurses and carers to access clinical data and record daily care tasks for you at the bedside.

Care options vary between villages, please check with our team for details of the care offered at each village. 

Our locations

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Reviewing an aged care provider is a great way to share your thoughts. But please follow the policies listed below when writing a review.

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  • Conflict of interest: Reviews are most valuable when they are honest and unbiased. Please do not review your own aged care service or that of a competitor.
  • Off-topic reviews: Do not post reviews based on a third party experience, they must be your own. Our reviews are not a forum for general political or social commentary or personal rants.
  • Impersonation: Do not post reviews on behalf of other people or misrepresent your identity or connection with the aged care provider you are reviewing.
  • Language: Do not use offensive, profane, or obscene language. We will remove reviews that represent personal attacks.
  • Personal and confidential information: Do not post reviews that contain the personal and confidential information of another person.
  • Spam Content: Please no spam. Reviews should be a genuine reflection of your experience with an aged care provider. Do not include promotional content or advertising in any form. Duplicate material will not be accepted.
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  • Hate Speech: We do not allow reviews that advocate against people based on their ethnic origin, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation or age.
  • Aged Care Reviews is not a complaints system. Reviews must be fair and reasonable. Any defamatory statements reflecting a personal experience that has not yet been taken up with the respective provider will not be accepted. If you have a personal complaint to make about an aged care facility we encourage you to contact your provider directly using the details provided on their listing. Alternatively you can submit a complaint via the Government’s Aged Care Complaints Scheme.

Ryman Healthcare Transforming Aged Care Dining with Innovative Technology

on Monday, April 8, 2024

Ryman Healthcare, a leader in retirement living and aged care services, has been shortlisted for Innovation of the Year – Technology at the 2024 Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards.

Ryman Welcomes the Aged Care Task Force’s Report

on Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Contributed by Cameron Holland, CEO of Ryman Healthcare Australia

While there’s obviously lots of detail still to work out, the Report’s recommendations strike a good balance between implementing a funding model that’ll help secure the sector’s long-term financial sustainability, and ensuring a clearer, higher quality and more accessible experience for aged care residents.

Debunking Retirement Living Myths: Freedom, Fun and a Full Life

on Friday, January 12, 2024

By Rami Kamel, Chief Operating Officer Ryman Healthcare Australia

Retirement living has long been surrounded by misconceptions that paint a limited, often grim picture. However, as the landscape of senior living evolves, so do the realities within these communities.

New Research Uncovers Ryman Healthcare's Purpose-Driven Success

on Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Ryman Healthcare has been hailed as a prime example of a purpose-driven organisation with branding that works seamlessly with its corporate policies.

14,000 Teddies Hand Knitted by Ryman Healthcare Residents Ukraine-bound

on Tuesday, March 21, 2023

14,000 hand-knitted teddy bears from Ryman Healthcare residents in Australia and New Zealand – fondly named the Yuri bear – will shortly be Ukraine-bound. The Yuri-bear initiative was started by Debra Richardson, Ryman’s Victorian Sales Manager.

Premier Daniel Andrews Opens $30m Ryman Healthcare Expansion

on Tuesday, March 14, 2023

On Friday 10 March Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews opened a $30m extension to Ryman Healthcare’s Nellie Melba Retirement Village, making it the largest full continuum of care village in Australia.  Mr Andrews and Ryman Healthcare Australia CEO Cameron Holland cut the ribbon to officially open the new 41-apartment complex in Wheelers Hill. 

New Zealand Model Could Reform Australia’s Aged Care Crisis

on Thursday, September 22, 2022

Adopting a successful aged care model provided by New Zealand’s four largest retirement living providers could help solve Australia’s health crisis, a new discussion document reveals.

Nellie Melba Retirement Village Residents Visit the Opera via Australia’s First ‘Live’ 3D Virtual Reality Streaming Platform

on Thursday, December 17, 2020

With theatres shuttered and the live performance industry still reeling from the COVID-19 lockdown, a Melbourne virtual reality company is bringing a night at the opera directly to the residents of an aged care residence and retirement village bearing the name of Australia’s most famous operatic icon.   

Ryman Healthcare Family Rallies for Breast Cancer

on Friday, July 17, 2020

The Ryman Healthcare family has raised $440,000 to help make a difference in the lives of thousands of Kiwis and Victorians with breast cancer.

Charlotte in the Ryman Healthcare Groove

on Monday, July 6, 2020

Ryman Healthcare Nellie Melba activities coordinator Charlotte Rowe has a simple but important way of telling if she is doing a good job.

Nellie's Native Garden Blooms at Ryman Healthcare

on Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A quiet corner at the front of Ryman Healthcare's Nellie Melba Retirement Village has been transformed into a grassy woodland following the planting of more than 2000 native plants by residents and staff.

Ryman Healthcare Residents Honour Aged Care Heroes

on Thursday, June 4, 2020

During the COVID-19 crisis the bravery and dedication of many of the workers too important to seek refuge in their homes has often gone unseen, and unacknowledged.

Star Cook Picnics at Ryman Healthcare Weary Dunlop

on Monday, May 11, 2020

Wherever loved Australian cook and Ryman Healthcare Weary Dunlop Retirement Village resident Elise Pascoe goes so too does her hunger for good food and good company.

COVID-19: Family Tree Reveals Highwayman Ties

on Tuesday, April 28, 2020

With extra time on their hands, a number of residents at Ryman Healthcare's villages are diving into the world of online genealogy by tracing their family tree.

COVID-19: Ryman Healthcare Residents Keep Busy at Home

on Thursday, March 26, 2020

COVID-19 has forced a hush to fall over Ryman Healthcare's Nellie Melba Retirement Village but behind apartment doors residents are finding new ways to keep busy.

Living Life When You're Not the Retiring Type

on Wednesday, March 11, 2020

When William Secker leans forward and says with a wry smile “I’m far too busy to die”, he is only half joking. In fact William and his wife Elizabeth are finding that retirement is the busiest time of their lives. 

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Level 5, 6 Riverside Quay
Southbank, Victoria

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