Aged Care Online


486 Albert Street, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002

Welcome To VMCH

Here at VMCH (Villa Maria Catholic Homes), our services are as diverse as the people we support.

Our values underpin the work we do. As a Catholic not for profit organisation, compassion, respect and inclusion aren’t just words to us, they guide us in everything we do.

While we’ve been around for over a century, we’re always moving forward. We stay true to who we are by supporting people and families to live their best lives, providing a place to call home and spaces to learn and grow.

Need support for yourself or a loved one? We’re here for you.

Our caring and compassionate staff provide a wide range of support to people of all ages across Victoria.

From disability services, help at home, residential aged care, retirement living options and affordable homes, we’re with you on your life journey.

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VMCH Are Taking the Terror Out of Technology

on Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Ross Alcock helped people understand computers for a living. That has not changed in retirement.  He lives at VMCH’s Providence Retirement Village, in Bacchus Marsh, and residents turn to him when their gadgets break down.

Could volunteers hold the key to happiness?

on Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Volunteers are happier people according to many studies. These three ladies think they know why.

Angela, Jenny and Tu volunteer for not-for-profit organisation VMCH, at its Multicultural Wellness Centre. They agree it is one of the highlights of their week. They help out at the Chinese Social Support Group, for people aged over 65 years.

Daughters Remember Their Hero Fathers

on Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Two inspiring older women whose fathers served in WWI and WWII have spent years dedicating their lives to ensure their loved ones’ legacies are remembered. As Anzac Day approaches, VMCH Berwick aged care resident Betty Whiteside (pictured) proudly displays a book she spent three years compiling. It includes more than 200 letters her father, Thomas Clair Whiteside, wrote home to his family during WWI. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Talk About End of Life

on Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Talk to your family members and make sure they know your end of life wishes. That’s the message from Rick Carthew, 78. Six months ago, Rick almost died. Suffering from pneumonia, he had lost 10 kilos and had essentially “given up”. Thankfully, his eldest daughter spotted a medication he was being given that was exacerbating an existing medical condition and alerted doctors.

A Different Approach to Food in Aged Care

on Wednesday, February 20, 2019

One of life’s great pleasures is food and that remains true as we get older and enter aged care. Villa Maria Catholic Homes’ Hospitality Residential and Retirement Services Manager, Wayne Wallis, says food plays an important role in a person’s health and happiness in aged care.

Seniors Celebrate Cultural Connections

on Monday, February 4, 2019

A Victorian-first Multicultural Wellness Centre (MWC) in Melbourne’s east is connecting seniors and combating social isolation. The MWC, run by non-profit organisation Villa Maria Catholic Homes, in Wantirna South has gone from strength to strength since it opened in 2016. It was the first Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)-specific, integrated, aged-focused wellness centre in the state.

Now is the Time to Seek Help at Home

on Tuesday, January 29, 2019

“As long as I can stay at home, I will.” Joan Griffith’s statement is a sentiment shared by the majority of older Australians whose health may be declining, but desire to live at home remains strong. Hoppers Crossing resident Joan, aged 82, has been supported with a Level Two Home Care Package (HCP) from non-profit organisation Villa Maria Catholic Homes (VMCH) for the past two years.

Help to Stay at Home for Longer

on Monday, January 14, 2019

Warrnambool resident Gloria Smith hadn’t heard of a Home Care Package (HCP) before she secured one.  Like so many older Australians, Gloria feared declining health meant an inevitable move into aged care. Luckily, the local council referred Gloria and her partner of 29 years, Wallace McDonald, to non-profit organisation Villa Maria Catholic Homes (VMCH), which has supported them both with a home care package for more than a year.

Volunteers lift seniors’ spirits at Christmas time

on Thursday, December 20, 2018

Eliska and her retired racing greyhound China are regular, friendly faces at Villa Maria Catholic Homes St Catherine’s aged care in Balwyn. The secondary school student is one of more than 350 social visitors who make a real difference to the lives of older people in Villa Maria Catholic Homes (VMCH) aged care communities, particularly around Christmas when loneliness can be amplified.

Reach out to seniors this Christmas

on Wednesday, December 12, 2018

As Christmas and the holidays approach, many begin to feel a sense of joy and excitement as they prepare for the festive season. For others who experience social isolation, the holidays highlight feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

Christmas Hampers Lift Seniors’ Spirits

on Thursday, December 6, 2018

The festive season will be a little brighter for 500 people this year with the delivery of Villa Maria Catholic Homes’ annual Christmas hampers. 

Private Rental a Burden for Seniors

on Monday, November 19, 2018

Private rental became impossible for Gail Carter to cover after she lost her job as an aged care assistant in 2015. A diagnosis of depression, caring for her terminally ill mother and living with an abusive flat mate made the 68-year-old’s situation all the more dire.

Overseas Visitors Praise Montessori Practice

on Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Villa Maria Catholic Homes has spent more than 12 months introducing the Montessori practice to improve the lives of people living at their 12 aged care communities across Victoria. Staff at Villa Maria Catholic Homes' aged care residences are reporting great outcomes and were recently able to share these experiences with visitors from Singapore.

Regional Carers Need More Support

on Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Feelings of isolation and loneliness are common among carers. Studies show these feelings are amplified in regional and remote areas, where support can be more difficult to find.

Learn About Retirement Living with Villa Maria Catholic Homes

on Monday, October 15, 2018

One of the great things about living in a retirement community is meeting new friends. That’s certainly the case for Betty and Nance who have become great friends since moving to Villa Maria Catholic Homes' Athelstan Retirement Apartments, in Camberwell.  They even volunteer together for the National Trust’s annual Vintage Clothing Sale.

Carers’ voices heard during Carers Week

on Friday, October 12, 2018

Like most carers, sharing the difficulties of her role isn’t all that comfortable for Sheryl Phin. She and her husband Rod have cared for his mum, Val, aged 91, for the past nine years in their Kilsyth South home following her diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

There’s No Place Like Home

on Tuesday, September 25, 2018

It’s hard to believe anyone could be grateful for having a stroke. But Colleen Fagan is. Without it, she would never have learned about Home Care Packages (HCPs), which have allowed her and her mother, Lorna, to remain living together in their Moama home. 

Couple Faces Dementia Together

on Friday, September 7, 2018

You’d be hard pressed to find a more resilient couple than Gay and Ken Fleming.  Married for 46 years, the pair has endured more than their fair share of heartache.

Montessori Changing the Lives of a Different Generation

on Monday, September 3, 2018

One Australian is diagnosed with dementia every six minutes, and the problem is only getting worse because of Australia’s ageing population. Not-for-profit organisation, Villa Maria Catholic Homes, has spent the past 12 months introducing the person-centred Montessori practice to support people living with dementia at its residential aged care communities across Victoria.

Seek support early: Dementia Awareness Month

on Friday, August 31, 2018

Get a second opinion and trust your instincts.  That’s the message from Glen Iris resident Maria Giacomantonio ahead of September’s Dementia Awareness Month. Maria is a full-time carer for her husband of 52 years, Dominic, 82, who is living with Lewy body disease, one of the most common causes of dementia among older people. 

Open Day at Torquay’s Villa Maria Catholic Homes Star of the Sea

on Monday, July 16, 2018

Community nurse, Suzanne Tatnell, says that even though her job put her in contact with older people in aged care, it was still tough when she had to head down that path for her own mum, Val.

Villa Maria Catholic Homes' Men’s Shed Provides Great Mateship for Local Seniors

on Friday, June 1, 2018

Don’t let the tools fool you – this Men’s Shed is more than just a workshop, it’s a place of friendship and fun. 

Volunteers Make a Difference in Aged Care

on Tuesday, May 22, 2018

National Volunteer Week started on May 21 and recognises the wonderful work volunteers do in their communities.  Mary is one of those volunteers and says that volunteering makes her feel closer to her family back in Malta.

Saluting Our Aged Care Nurses

on Tuesday, May 8, 2018

We love aged care nurses. Nurses have held the title as the most trusted and ethical profession in Australia for the past 20 years.  

Giving Older People with Dementia a Voice

on Monday, May 7, 2018

An innovative tool is helping aged care residents living with dementia to be heard, and making their end of life journey meaningful to them.

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