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My Care Path Aged Care Consultants

Lorna Revs Up to Celebrate 100th Birthday

on Thursday, July 18, 2019

Turning 100 years old usually means a quiet party enjoying a birthday cake while reading a letter from the Queen. However, for her 100th birthday Lorna Craney decided to live life in the fast lane.

What the New Aged Care Quality Standards Mean for You

on Tuesday, July 16, 2019

On July 1 2019, the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission’s new Aged Care Quality Standards came into effect, ensuring that all aged care providers in Australia provide consumers with high quality services in a safe environment.

Residents living with early onset dementia have a new choice in accommodation options

on Monday, July 15, 2019

Residents living with early onset dementia have a new choice in accommodation options, with the opening of Clear Mountain Cottages by Wesley Mission Queensland

The Power of Music in Aged Care

on Wednesday, June 26, 2019

When you hear a song from your favourite band from your 20’s, from your wedding day or special time in your life, what does it do for you? Does it take you back to that moment and help you remember the day or time in your life? More and more research is showing that music can have a range of benefits when used in aged care.

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