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Street Library Launches at Arcare Portarlington

on Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Cr Jim Mason and Cr Trent Sullivan joined the Arcare Portarlington Community in launching their new street library in November. The street library is for the whole community to enjoy, with everyone welcome to drop off or pick up a book for free.

RAAFA Prepares for Digital Aged Care Future with Macquarie Telecom

on Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Macquarie Telecom, part of Macquarie Telecom Group, has signed a deal with aged care provider RAAFA WA to provide SD-WAN technology and help the organisation prepare for the digital aged care future and enable more residents to be cared for at home.

Food is at the Heart of HillView

on Monday, November 26, 2018

Much enjoyment comes from food and mealtimes, no matter your age or culture. Mealtimes are central to socialisation and are a key part to everyone's day. At HillView, staff understand this which is why so much passion goes into the meals that they create for their residents. HillView's chefs are always working to come up with new menu items to keep mealtimes interesting and enjoyable for each and every resident. 

Benetas Industry Breakfast Explores Future of Aged Care in its 70th Year

on Monday, November 26, 2018

Leading not-for-profit aged care provider Benetas will host its fifth annual Industry Breakfast tomorrow morning, with a panel discussion exploring ‘Aged Care: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’. With Benetas celebrating its 70th year, the panel will reflect on the past 70 years and look to what the future might hold in the next 70 years.

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