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Aged care homes in Malvern Victoria

(Malvern, Victoria)

4 homes found

mecwacare’s Residential Aged Care services offer 24-hour high quality care and lifestyle choices for older people. Our aged care centres provide ageing in place accommodation (where possible) and respite care facilities. Our centres offer a supportive, safe and secure environment for residents to maximize each resident’s quality of life.

mecwacare provides Community Housing Services in Glen Iris, Beaumaris and Sandringham – all a short distance from Melbourne’s CBD.  mecwacare’s affordable housing is designed to provide comfort, safety, and independence for people with a low income who are over 65 or living with a disability.

Part of mecwacare

Located in the heart of Malvern, the mecwacare Malvern Centre is one of Melbourne’s premium aged care residences, offering an extensive range of lifestyle activities and a welcoming community for 101 residents. There are spacious, comfortable lounges and inviting garden areas for residents to relax and entertain guests.

Part of mecwacare