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Part of MannaCare
MannaCare - Cassia House is located in Doncaster and provides a comprehensive range of aged care services including full-time care and respite care.
Cassia House is set in a central location with picturesque views of the surrounding area. It accommodates 90 residents across three units all with single bedrooms and private ensuites.
Cassia House has an impressive entrance plaza, which is often used for functions and events. Comfortable and intimate lounge and dining areas as well as courtyards are located throughout the home, offering residents a great place to sit and spend time with family and friends.
Key features:
Support offered:
Single room with private en suite in our high care facility
DAP Daily Accommodation Payments |
RAD Refundable Accommodation Deposit |
$80.74 | $0 (No Deposit) |
$40.37 | $175,000 (50%) |
$0 | $350,000 (100%) |
Single room with private en suite with external views, in our high care facility
DAP Daily Accommodation Payments |
RAD Refundable Accommodation Deposit |
$92.27 | $0 (No Deposit) |
$46.14 | $200,000 (50%) |
$0 | $400,000 (100%) |
Single room with private en suite facing into a courtyard garden, in our high care facility
DAP Daily Accommodation Payments |
RAD Refundable Accommodation Deposit |
$126.88 | $0 (No Deposit) |
$63.44 | $275,000 (50%) |
$0 | $550,000 (100%) |
Single room with private en suite with external views, in our high care facility
DAP Daily Accommodation Payments |
RAD Refundable Accommodation Deposit |
$138.41 | $0 (No Deposit) |
$69.21 | $300,000 (50%) |
$0 | $600,000 (100%) |
Single room with private en suite facing into a courtyard garden, in the dementia specific unit of our high care facility
DAP Daily Accommodation Payments |
RAD Refundable Accommodation Deposit |
$149.95 | $0 (No Deposit) |
$74.97 | $325,000 (50%) |
$0 | $650,000 (100%) |
Single room with private en suite with external views, in the dementia specific unit of our high care facility
DAP Daily Accommodation Payments |
RAD Refundable Accommodation Deposit |
$184.55 | $0 (No Deposit) |
$92.27 | $400,000 (50%) |
$0 | $800,000 (100%) |
What are Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RAD) and Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP)
You can reduce the Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP) by paying a deposit up to the RAD value. Enter a deposit amount below to see the adjusted DAP amount.
$ per day
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At Grevillea House every Thusday a group of up to 18 mature men meet and discuss a wide range of topica and share their life experiences. Being for men only with no carers or staff present, the group lead by two facilitators has renewed the meaning of life and reconnected with both family ond like minded men. Reseach undertaken has shown that the MENZ DEN has made positive changes in lifestyle. If you would like to more, please contact Dezlie Marrison at MannaCare or Philip Green on 0431 828 942.
A warm congratulations to Pat Wheeler who recently became Volunteer of the Year 2020 in the Manningham Civic Awards. Every fortnight for over 30 years, Pat has played the piano at MannaCare for the Manningham Uniting Church Services held at MannaCare for the residents.
After 50 years of tireless service and dedication to the community starting in the 1960s, Ron Kitchingman OAM JP has recently been given the key to the City of Manningham. Ron has been involved with MannaCare for 34 years as a committee and board member.
MannaCare’s Program for Oncology Wellness and Exercise Rehabilitation (POWER) this year took part in Cancer Council Australia's Biggest Morning Tea.
As part of volunteer week, MannaCare held a volunteer breakfast to say thank you and show their appreciation to their tireless volunteers.
MannaCare has celebrated the opening of its upgraded facility. On Thursday 9th May the upgraded areas were officially opened by the Hon Kevin Andrews MP, Federal Member for Menzies.
Last week, a handful of residents transitioned into their new home in the renovated and modernised section of Banksia Unit, at MannaCare’s Cassia House. Residents are now accommodated in brand new single rooms with private ensuites, following the demolition of existing shared rooms.
Australians are a friendly bunch. They love to talk and have conversations. And the best way to communicate is through language. The Australian language is a unique beast and our slang is enough to confuse the most accomplished person. Abbreviations, diminutives and colloquialisms are used interchangeably and are the key to unlocking the Australian language, culture and friendship.
They convey the changing seasons and can transform a landscape from bleak to warm to visual beauty. Flowers, plants and colour are enough to make most people smile and make an unpleasant day feel not so bad. MannaCare is fortunate to have horticulturist Paul Crowe’s lifelong love of gardening and teaching as part of their community.
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