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The BaptistCare Red Hill Social Club provides day respite for older people and people with mild to moderate dementia. We provide a positive, friendly and safe environment with trained and dedicated staff. Meals are provided and clients who are able may be involved in the preparation.
The Red Hill Social Club offers an activities program which can involve card and board games, arts and craft, light exercise, cooking and gardening, special theme and event days and movies. It is the perfect place to meet new people and try something new. We also offer regular outings and bus trips in the local community.
Carers have peace of mind that the person they care for is safe and happy.
Opening hours: Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm
Baptcare (VIC, TAS, SA), Baptist Care SA and BaptistCare (NSW, ACT, WA), have united to become Australia’s third largest integrated care and service provider. The successful completion of the merger was announced this week and the new entity will be known as BaptistCare.
BaptistCare at Home’s North Ryde social club in Sydney is providing essential social support and cultural connection with two weekly cultural groups, bringing together local seniors in Armenian and Chinese South African communities.
Palliative care at home can be an excellent support for many families, enhancing quality of life and enabling a person to pass away within the familiarity and comfort of their own home. In our modern world, few topics are still considered “taboo”. Yet death and palliative care appear to be among the handful remaining. Palliative care may not be the subject of everyday chit chat, and often, it can be a sensitive, painful topic to discuss.
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