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BaptistCare Kalkarni Aged Care Home

Lot 456 Whittington St, Brookton, Western Australia, 6306

Part of BaptistCare

At BaptistCare Kalkarni, it’s a welcome home.

Kalkarni is a regional aged care home in the Wheatbelt town of Brookton, approximately 130 kilometres south east of Perth. The residence offers the best of country living, with proximity to extensive parks, gardens and local cafes.

The home gives all its residents a warm, country welcome. Friendly staff deliver 24-hour nursing care and a host of lifestyle activities to cater to each individual resident. The home has an active visitors scheme to maintain its vital role in the 1000-strong local community.

With a co-located health centre, Kalkarni has the best in modern health facilities. Residents have access to onsite physiotherapists and occupational therapists, while doctors, nurse practitioners, dentists, dieticians, reflexologists, speech pathologists and podiatrists pay regular visits to the facility. Onsite pets provide a unique form of therapy for the residents.

Residents living with dementia are accommodated in a safe and secure environment, complete with sensory gardens and quiet lounges. Registered nurses and highly trained staff operate 24 hours in this area.

Room categories are divided into single room with a shared bathroom, single room with ensuite and double room with ensuite. All rooms come with an adjustable bed, flyscreens and security screens on windows, curtains, built-in-robes, reverse-cycle air-conditioning, lockable cupboard, chair and over-bed table. Residents are encouraged to adorn their space with personal belongings to make themselves feel at home.

Other amenities include:

  • Hairdressing salon
  • Onsite chaplain
  • Walkways through bush setting gardens
  • BBQ area
  • Homelike kitchen
  • Separate dining and lounge areas
  • Telephone connection 

Our locations

New South Wales
Western Australia

Vacancy - Single

SINGLE ROOM Standard Room with private ensuite. Kalkarni has 31 single rooms with shared bathroom facilities and 2 single rooms with private ensuites. All the rooms are in very good condition with excellent paint work and floor coverings. Each room features built-in robes, lockable cupboard, chair, adjustable bed, over bed table and reverse cycle air-conditioning. The majority of rooms overlook pretty gardens or courtyards. We can also accommodate couples and offer shared rooms and respite rooms (subject to availability). Our facility also features 10 dementia beds. 16.8m2.

Key points

  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$92.27 $0 (No Deposit)
$46.14 $200,000 (50%)
$0 $400,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator


DOUBLE ROOM Standard Shared Room with private ensuite. Kalkarni has 5 double rooms with private ensuites, all our rooms are in very good condition with excellent paint work and floor coverings. Each room features built-in robes, lockable cupboard, chair, adjustable bed, over bed table and reverse cycle air-conditioning. The majority of rooms overlook pretty gardens or courtyards. We also offer respite rooms (subject to availability) and 10 dementia beds. 45.7m2.

Key points

  • Keypad secure


Daily Accommodation Payments
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
$69.21 $0 (No Deposit)
$34.6 $150,000 (50%)
$0 $300,000 (100%)

 Daily costs calculator

What are Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RAD) and Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP)

Daily Accommodation Payment calculator

You can reduce the Daily Accommodation Payments (DAP) by paying a deposit up to the RAD value. Enter a deposit amount below to see the adjusted DAP amount.





$ per day

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I would like to express my genuine gratitude to ALL the staff at Baptistcare Kalkarni Recidency Brookton! My parents have had a very very tumultuous few months so when they arrived at Kalkarni everybody was full of understanding, support and kindness! I recently visited....I live 2000 km away and was also treated with respect, same kindness and consideration! The rooms and facilities are brilliant! My parents brought belongings from home, their recliners, tapestries, books and plants again the staff were nothing but supportive! Thank you one and ALL! I as their Daughter feel peace of mind and secure in the knowledge that my beloved Parents are safe and cared for! My Parents are adjusting well and also feel as I that they are well looked after! Thank you again to all concerned!

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Land to Table Initiative Bearing Fruit for Brookton Seniors

on Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A fragrant citrus tree in the grounds at Baptistcare Kalkarni Residential Care in Brookton has been the inspiration for its residents to embrace a new ‘land to table food’ initiative.


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