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Carinity Colthup Manor

39 Thorn Street, Ipswich, Queensland, 4305

Part of Carinity Aged Care

Carinity Colthup Manor has an extensive selection of choice facilities to keep residents stimulated and entertained. There are a number of seating areas in the beautiful gardens, secure courtyards, and a bright and airy activities room.

The lifestyle calendar includes regular entertainment, crafts workshops, church services and coffee morning teas. Shopping trips and medical appointments are easy, with close proximity to the Ipswich CBD. Riverlink shopping centre, St Andrew’s Private Hospital and Ipswich General Hospital are all close-by. The occasional bus trip will take residents further inland to explore the countryside and enjoy a fun day out.

The facility is built from a restored Queenslander home, with modern extension and a collection of landscaped gardens and courtyards.

Other features at Carinity Colthup Manor include:

  • Visiting GP
  • Physiotherapy access
  • Podiatry access
  • Dental access
  • Hairdresser
  • Chaplaincy
  • Church services
  • Library

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Satisfied Customers Lead to Second Award Win

on Wednesday, February 5, 2025

For the second year in a row, the testimonials of existing clients have seen not-for-profit aged care provider Carinity top the Health Services category in the annual awards.

The selection criteria for the awards are based on the quality and volume of online reviews companies receive over the previous twelve-month period. Satisfied users of Carinity’s residential aged care and home care services delivered the organisation an average rating of 4.8 stars out of five.

Carinity Celebrating Our Dedicated Aged Care Nurses

on Thursday, May 9, 2024

International Nurses Day is held each year on May 12, a global day of celebration marking the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. Like the famous nursing pioneer, Carinity nurses are selfless and dedicated to supporting people in need in their communities.

Top Reviews for Carinity Aged Care

on Monday, February 5, 2024

Carinity is honoured to have been recognised as one of the best performers in the Health Services category of online comparison website ProductReview’s annual awards.

Making the Aged Care Application Process Easier

on Tuesday, May 30, 2023

For seniors and their families, making the decision to transition from living independently to a residential aged care community is a significant milestone. Applying to live in aged care can seem quite daunting, but the introduction of Carinity’s new streamlined online applications is making the process easier.

Celebrating Our Dedicated Aged Care Nurses

on Friday, May 12, 2023

“It’s the most rewarding job I know. It’s hard work sometimes, but when you get a ‘thank you’ and a beautiful smile from someone, it just makes your day.” Camilla Lommerse is one of the many dedicated nurses who care for seniors in Carinity aged care communities and home services across Queensland.

Family matters at Carinity Aged Care Communities

on Thursday, December 29, 2022

Eileen and Rhonda Tilley once lived almost one hour’s drive apart. Now the mother and daughter are enjoying seeing a lot more of each other, living together in the same aged care community in Ipswich. The Tilleys were permanently reunited under the same roof two years ago, when Eileen joined her daughter at Carinity Colthup Manor.

Chaplain Jack Bringing Smiles to Ipswich Seniors

on Tuesday, July 13, 2021

You’ve heard of the pirate Captain Jack. Now meet Chaplain Jack. Like Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Ipswich aged care chaplain Jack Teepa is also a popular and colourful character. The experienced chaplain is well known around the Carinity Colthup Manor aged care community for his distinctive moustache and lively clothes. In fact, he has a rainbow’s worth of brightly coloured outfits in his closet.

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