Catholic Healthcare - St James Villa is a welcoming residential facility situated in Matraville providing dedicated care to 40 residents. Built in 1980 with a home-like environment, this single-storey service offers spacious individual rooms with en-suite bathrooms.
Each bedroom includes:
Bedside table
Call bell
Fan and heater
Overhead fan
Phone connection
Television connection
A team of dedicated care staff ensure that each resident is treated with dignity and respect in a welcoming and comfortable home.
A comprehensive activities program is offered to all residents to enable them to remain as independent as possible.
Other services and amenities available at Catholic Healthcare’s St James Villa include:
Varied, fun and interesting exercise and activities programs including cultural and spiritual activities
Close to shops and transport
Hairdressing salon
Activities room
Garden areas and courtyard
Tea/coffee and refreshment facilities
Comfortable sitting room with large-screen TV and DVDs
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Domestic violence (DV) poses a growing risk to the wellbeing of approximately 4.2 million Australian adults (21 per cent, or one in five) who have experienced violence, emotional abuse, or economic abuse from a partner.* Catholic Healthcare takes pride in partnering with the national not-for-profit charity DV Safe Phone to donate old mobile phones, helping to ensure the safety of individuals experiencing DV.
Contact details not provided for Catholic Healthcare - St James Matraville