Aged Care Online

Juniper Gerdewoonem

50 Ivanhoe Road, Kununurra, Western Australia, 6743

Part of Juniper

Juniper Gerdewoonem (Juniper among the Boab Trees) is located in Kununurra and provides permanent care services (home care & residential care) for up to 80 local people. The aged care residence at Juniper Gerdewoonem has accommodation for 36 permanent residents and four respite beds.

Caring staff at Juniper Gerdewoonem provide residents with a variety of care services so that seniors can still enjoy their independence and connection to their local community and culture.

Residents are encouraged to personalised their room with small belongings from home including photographs, paintings and ornaments.

Juniper Gerdewoonem has been designed specifically for local conditions and climate. The residence features an alfresco dining area, medical consulting room and nurses treatment room.

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